
BRITAIN: 700K March For Second Brexit Vote [VIDEO]

The Guardian reports: The centre of London ground to a halt as an estimated 700,000 people from all over the UK marched peacefully on parliament to demand a second referendum on Brexit. It was the biggest outpouring of public opposition to government policy since the anti-Iraq war protest in 2003. The number who descended on the capital to call for …

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Theresa May: Trump Told Me To Sue The EU Over Brexit

The BBC reports: Donald Trump told Theresa May she should sue the EU rather than negotiate over Brexit, she has told the BBC. The US president said on Friday at a joint press conference he had given her a suggestion – but she had found it too “brutal.” Asked by the BBC’s Andrew Marr what it was he had said, …

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Trump: Boris Johnson Would Be A Great Prime Minister

The Hill reports: President Trump says former United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson would make a “great prime minister” in an interview published Thursday, a shocking remark that comes as Trump visits the U.K. and current Prime Minister Theresa May In an interview with The Sun, a U.K. tabloid owned by conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch, Trump insisted that he …

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Theresa May Rolls Out Literal Red Carpet For Trump

The Guardian reports: Theresa May will step up her efforts to secure a post-Brexit trade deal with the United States on Friday as she sits down for her first bilateral talks with Donald Trump against a backdrop of furious protest across the country. As the government released its long-awaited Brexit white paper on Thursday, she sought to placate angry Tory …

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BRITAIN: Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Becomes Third Member Of May’s Cabinet To Resign In Brexit Row

The Guardian reports: Boris Johnson has resigned as foreign secretary, becoming the third minister in 24 hours to walk out of the government rather than back Theresa May’s plans for a soft Brexit. The prime minister hammered out a compromise with her deeply divided cabinet in an all-day meeting at Chequers on Friday, but after consulting friends and allies since, …

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BRITAIN: 100,000 March Against Brexit [VIDEO]

Reuters reports: Around 100,000 supporters of the European Union marched through central London on Saturday to demand that the British government hold a final public vote on the terms of Brexit, organizers said. Protesters packed the main arteries of the capital, waving British, Irish and European flags and colorful banners to call for a “People’s Vote” on the eventual deal …

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Scotland Might Try For Independence Again

Reuters reports: Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Sunday she would again consider another vote on independence for Scotland when the British government offers some certainty over Brexit. Speaking on ITV television’s Peston on Sunday program, Sturgeon also said her Scottish National Party would not block another Brexit vote on any final deal, but feared what would happen if …

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BRITAIN: Whistleblower Testifies That Pro-Brexit Groups Had “Common Plan” To Evade UK Election Laws

The Guardian reports: There was a “common plan” to use the network of companies orbiting Cambridge Analytica to get around election spending and co-ordination laws, Christopher Wylie, the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower, has told a parliamentary committee. “For me, this is about the integrity of the democratic process, which is more important than anything else,” Wylie said, before emphasising his words: …

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SURE JAN: Rex Tillerson Claims Trump Is Avoiding Britain To Let Theresa May Focus On Brexit Negotiations

Bloomberg reports: U.S. President Donald Trump is avoiding a visit to Britain because he wants to allow Prime Minister Theresa May to focus her attention on withdrawing from the European Union, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said. While Trump said last week that he “canceled” a visit to London to formally open the new U.S. embassy because the old site …

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Michael Bloomberg: Brexit Was The Single Stupidest Thing Any Country Did Until Trump’s Election [VIDEO]

The Guardian reports: Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire media mogul and former mayor of New York, has said Brexit is the “single stupidest thing any country has ever done” apart from the election of Donald Trump as US president. Bloomberg argued that “it is really hard to understand why a country that was doing so well wanted to ruin it” with …

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Brexit Negotiations Begin In Brussels [VIDEO]

The Guardian reports: Brexit talks have begun in Brussels. The lead negotiators, David Davis and Michel Barnier, representing the UK and the European commission respectively, posed for the cameras before several hours of initial discussions. Amid concerns that political uncertainty in Britain could delay meaningful negotiations, the two leaders stressed their opening day on Monday would mainly deal with the …

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BRITAIN: PM Theresa May Calls For Early Election

The Guardian reports: Theresa May has said she wants to hold a snap general election on 8 June, despite repeatedly claiming that she was against the idea of an early vote. In a surprise statement outside Downing Street on Tuesday morning, the prime minister claimed that opposition parties were jeopardising her government’s preparations for Brexit. “We need a general election …

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BRITAIN: PM Theresa May Begins Formal Brexit Process, Tells MPs “There Can Be No Turning Back” [VIDEO]

The BBC reports: Britain’s departure from the European Union is “an historic moment from which there can be no turning back”, Theresa May has told MPs. The prime minister said it was a “unique opportunity” to “shape a brighter future” for the UK. She was speaking after Britain’s EU ambassador formally triggered the two year countdown to the UK’s exit …

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Scotland Vows To Join European Union As Independent Nation But Spain Will Likely Try To Stop Them [VIDEO]

The Independent reports: Nicola Sturgeon has said an independent Scotland would seek full membership of the European Union and dismissed suggestions the country would have to join the back of the queue. Scotland’s First Minister also said she was willing to have “reasonable discussions” with Theresa May over the timing of a new plebiscite but warned it would not be …

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BRITAIN: Prime Minister Theresa May To Formally Notify European Union Of Brexit Launch Process Next Week

The BBC reports: Prime Minister Theresa May is to officially notify the European Union next Wednesday that the UK is leaving. Downing Street said she would write a letter to the European Council, adding that it hoped negotiations on the terms of exit and future relations could then begin as quickly as possible. The move comes nine months after a …

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SCOTLAND: First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Calls For Second Independence Referendum Over “Hard Brexit”

The Guardian reports: Nicola Sturgeon has said the Scottish people will be given a choice whether to follow the UK into a “hard Brexit” or become an independent country between autumn 2018 and spring 2019. The Scottish first minister said she was firing the starting gun on a second independence referendum because the British government had failed to move “even …

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BRITISH: PM Theresa May Braces For Second Scottish Independence Referendum Demand Over Brexit

The Times Of London reports: Theresa May is preparing for the Scottish government to call a second independence referendum to coincide with the triggering of Article 50 next month. Senior government sources say there is serious concern that Nicola Sturgeon will use the start of the Brexit process to demand another vote on the future of the UK and that …

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REPORT: Billionaire Breitbart Owner Secretly Helped Brexit Campaign Use “Emotional Triggers” On Facebook

The Guardian reports: The US billionaire who helped bankroll Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency played a key role in the campaign for Britain to leave the EU, the Observer has learned. It has emerged that Robert Mercer, a hedge-fund billionaire, who helped to finance the Trump campaign and who was revealed this weekend as one of the owners of …

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BRITAIN: Scottish Parliament Votes Against Starting Brexit Process In Largely Symbolic Move [VIDEO]

The BBC reports: The Scottish Parliament has voted by 90 to 34 to oppose the UK government starting the Brexit process. The Supreme Court ruled last month that there was no legal need for Holyrood to give its consent to the triggering of Article 50. But First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she would let MSPs have a say, despite it …

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British PM Theresa May Tells GOP Leaders She Plans To Have Strong Personal Relationship With Trump

The Guardian reports: Theresa May has said she believed she could a forge a strong personal relationship with Donald Trump, arguing that “sometimes, opposites attract”, as she set out how post-Brexit Britain could work with his country to shape the world. On the eve of a much-anticipated visit to the Oval Office, the prime minister used a speech to Republican …

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