World Net Daily: Witches Nationwide Are Casting Spells Against Trump By Sticking Pins In Baby Carrots

Via World Net Daily:

It’s not just a political battle anymore. It’s spiritual warfare now. Exorcists, witches and occultists “in a number of magical groups” are announcing plans for a ritual designed to “bind Donald Trump and all who abet him.” It’s to happen Friday at midnight at a variety of locations across the nation, and again every month until Donald Trump is no longer in office.

The rite, requiring a stub of a candle, a pin, salt, matches, a tarot card, a feather and other odds and ends, calls on spirits to ensure President Trump will “fail utterly.” It also includes burning a picture of the commander in chief, visualizing him “blowing apart into dust or ash.”

Participants apparently have the option of using a baby carrot instead of an orange candle. Among the various spirits invoked are the “demons of the infernal realms.” There is even a Facebook page networking those who want to participate in the ritual. Some media outlets are also looking to film whatever happens.