
REPORT: Putin Privately Pitched Ukraine Plan To Trump

Bloomberg reports: Vladimir Putin told Russian diplomats that he made a proposal to Donald Trump at their summit this week to hold a referendum to help resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine, but agreed not to disclose the plan publicly so the U.S. president could consider it, according to two people who attended Putin’s closed-door speech on Thursday. Details of …

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As Senate Prepares To Formally Rebuke Trump, White House Reverses On Handing Over Americans To Putin

Politico reports: The White House backed away on Thursday from President Donald Trump’s prior openness to a Russian government request to interrogate Americans, including former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul and financier Bill Browder — a proposal that had sparked widespread outrage. Trump called the idea an “incredible offer” during the news conference on Monday.A nd on Wednesday, White …

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Hillary Clinton: “Deeply Troubling” That White House Is Considering Handing Over US Ambassador To Putin

The Hill reports: Hillary Clinton on Thursday condemned the Trump administration for considering Russian President Vladimir Putin’s offer to allow U.S. law enforcement to observe questioning of indicted Russians in exchange for allowing Russian authorities to question American citizens. Clinton joined a growing chorus of Democrats, Republicans and former diplomats who have expressed concerns with the White House’s decision to …

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Trump Questions NATO Mutual Defense Treaty: Why Should We Protect “Tiny And Aggressive” Montenegro?

NBC News reports: In the 12 short years since Montenegro regained its independence, the European country has joined NATO, boosted its defense spending, and according to official figures contributes more troops per capita to the war in Afghanistan than the United States. Yet this U.S. ally — smaller than Connecticut and about as populous as Baltimore — found itself in …

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Russian-Made “Active Shooter” Game Gets Canceled

The New York Times reports: The online game unfolds from the point of view of an attacker, aiming a weapon down a school corridor or throwing a grenade into an auditorium. The character creeps around corners and up staircases. Bullets spray, blood spatters. SWAT team members are shot dead. Civilians are splayed out on the floor. Active Shooter was developed …

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RUSSIA: State TV Runs Nuclear War Preparedness Advice As Tensions Rise With US Over Syria [VIDEO]

Vice News reports: Russian state TV told citizens Tuesday to stockpile food and water as the threat of nuclear war with the U.S. intensified over Syria. Standing in front of a mushroom cloud, a presenter on state-run broadcaster Vesti 24 warned viewers to stock up on “fewer sweets and more water.” The presenter listed off a number of food items …

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UN Ambassador Nikki Haley: The Russian Regime Has The Blood Of Syrian Children On Its Hands [VIDEO]

The BBC reports: The US and Russia have traded barbs at a UN Security Council meeting on the alleged chemical attack in Syria. Russian envoy Vassily Nebenzia said the incident in Douma was staged and that US military action in response could have “grave repercussions”. US Ambassador Nikki Haley said Russia had the “blood of Syrian children” on its hands. …

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