OAN Host: The Future Of This Country Depends On Liberals Being Killed By The Deadly COVID Vaccines

Media Matters has the transcript:

PEARSON SHARP: More and more Americans are standing up and fighting back against the tyranny of the COVID conspiracy theory. Convoys of outraged truck drivers are sending a message loud and clear to cowardly leaders all over the world, from Canada to Australia and even here in the U.S., and that message is simple: Back off, or else. We, the people, will not tolerate this oppression any longer.

Young athletes are a prime group to be targeted by this deadly vaccine with 500% more soccer players in the E.U. dropping dead from heart attacks than one year ago — 500%. Who is actually braindead enough to think that this is just a coincidence, when Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccine are known by the FDA to cause heart attacks. This is a pandemic of the ignorant, and it’s killing our country.

So, for all of you progressives and Democrats and radical leftists out there. Do us all a favor, please, and go get vaccinated. In fact, don’t stop there. Get double vaccinated, and be sure to get all your boosters. All three or four of them. Why stop there? If more is better— get five, six, get 10 boosters. All the rest of us sane, freedom-loving Americans are counting on you to get your injections. The survival of our country depends on it.

Sharp first appeared on JMG in December 2020 when he boasted about denying that Biden was the then president-elect.

He next appeared here when he called for executing “traitors” who deny that Trump really won the election.

Sharp’s videos were regularly posted to Trump’s official YouTube channel, back when he had one.