Army Secretary Nominee Mark Green: Public Healthcare Prevents People From Finding Salvation In Jesus

The Washington Examiner reports:

President Trump’s pick for Army secretary once said government-assisted healthcare is an “injustice” because it hampers church-affiliated providers from converting people to Christianity.

Mark Green, a state senator in Tennessee, told a church group in 2015 that sickness is one of the main avenues that bring people to religion, but that citizens in the United States now instead rely on the government to help them, limiting the Christian church’s role.

The comments shed more light on the conservative religious views that have brought Green, a physician and former Army flight surgeon, under fire from Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill and a growing segment of progressive advocacy groups in advance of his Senate confirmation hearings.

“The person who’s in need … they look to the government for the answer, not God, and I think in that way government has done an injustice that’s even bigger than just the creation of an entitlement welfare state,” Green said. “In this setting, I’ll share the story, I think it interrupts the opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of who God is.”

Last week Green denounced the “liberal left” for quoting his anti-LGBT views verbatim.