Vivek Ramaswamy Triples Down On 9/11 Trutherism

“I think it is legitimate to say how many police, how many federal agents, were on the planes that hit the Twin Towers. Maybe the answer is zero. It probably is zero for all I know, right? I have no reason to think it was anything other than zero.

“But if we’re doing a comprehensive assessment of what happened on 9/11, we have a 9/11 commission, absolutely that should be an answer the public knows the answer to. Well, if we’re doing a January 6 commission, absolutely, those should be questions that we should get to the bottom of. Here are the people who were armed. Here are the people who are unarmed.

“What percentage of the people who were armed were federal law-enforcement officers? I think it was probably high, actually. Right?” – Vivek Ramaswamy, who earlier this month told The Blaze that he doesn’t believe the final report issued by the 9/11 Commission, which investigated the attack for two years. Last week he told Tucker Carlson that the 9/11 Commission “absolutely lied to us.”