Right Wing Outlet’s Analysis: The Media Likes Biden

From the right wing outlet Newsbusters:

For four years, the liberal media led the Left’s fierce resistance to the Trump administration, slamming the President night after night after night.

Now, a new study by the Media Research Center finds the broadcast evening newscasts have executed a full flip-flop, as they aid and abet liberal President Joe Biden’s administration with mostly positive coverage.

During his first three months in office, the broadcast evening newscasts have showered Biden with 59% positive press. Four years ago, those same programs were hammering Trump with 89% negative press — a stunning contrast. Four years ago, Trump faced hellishly negative coverage right from the beginning.

Newsbusters is an arm of the Robert Mercer-funded Media Research Center and was founded by Brett Bozell, whose son has been arrested in the Capitol riot.