Hurricane Delta At Category 3, Landfall Tonight [VIDEO]

The Weather Channel reports:

Hurricane Delta is a Category 3 storm heading for a Gulf Coast landfall later Friday with life-threatening storm surge, damaging winds and rainfall flooding from Louisiana and east Texas to Mississippi. This includes some of the same areas that were ravaged by Hurricane Laura more than a month ago. As expected, Delta intensified again over warmer Gulf of Mexico water Thursday and it appears to be leveling off in strength.

The highest storm surge is expected in parts of south-central Louisiana, not just near the immediate Gulf Coast, but also in bays, inlets and to some degree inland along rivers and bayous. Inundation could reach 7 to 11 feet above ground in these areas. In some of these areas, flooding may take days to recede, not just from storm surge, but also from rain-swollen rivers and bayous temporarily backed up unable to drain effectively to the Gulf.