Christian Radio Host Has The SCOTUS Sadz: We Are Under A Disgusting Demonic Spiritual Attack On Jesus

E.W. Jackson writes on his Facebook page:

Neil Gorsuch has betrayed the Constitution, the American people and President Trump. He has joined the back stabbing Roberts and the degenerate leftists on the Court who are engineering sweeping social depravity and confusion through judicial tyranny.

Now every employer must accommodate some mentally ill person who thinks he’s a woman today, a man tomorrow and a combo the next? Or be sued for using common sense and protecting your business?

This is beyond disgusting. It is a declaration of war on the American people, our businesses, culture, Constitution and our Judeo-Christian values. The only hope we have is to amend the Constitution to do what we should have done early in this fight – define marriage as a union between one man and one woman in the federal Constitution.

What’s next? Pedaphelia [sic] is a sexual orientation protected under the Constitution as “sex”? May seem far fetched today, but will it be ten years from now? This is truly devastating for our country. We are under a vicious demonic spiritual attack and we had better put on the whole armor of God and be willing to STAND!

In 2012 Jackson ran for the US Senate in Virginia. The following year he ran for Virginia lieutenant governor. Rather obviously, he flamed out (ahem) both times.

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: E.W. Jackson warns about the “homovirus.” E.W. Jackson says Trump is butch while Obama is “light in the loafers.” E.W. Jackson calls for burning every rainbow flag. E.W. Jackson says Satan made Pete Buttigieg gay. E.W. Jackson says gays are Satan’s servants. E.W. Jackson says the US has never been racist because slavery was invented by Muslims. E.W. Jackson says leftists would murder Roy Moore “if they could get away with it.” E.W. Jackson says God will punish people who voted for trans lawmaker Danica Roem. E.W. Jackson blames the Charleston mass murders on gays and Obama. E.W. Jackson says Christians must be willing to die to stop gay marriage. E.W. Jackson says Christianity is the world’s only real religion. E.W. Jackson says using his own words against him violates the Constitution. E.W. Jackson launches petition to legalize anti-gay discrimination nationwide. E.W. Jackson says Satan supports the separation of church and state. E.W. Jackson joins international coalition to criminalize homosexuality. E.W. Jackson joins hate group rally against Virginia marriage. E.W. Jackson says women who commit sins give birth to deformed babies. E.W. Jackson says God invented the Tea Party because Obama got elected.