MyPillow Cultist Connects His Company To #QAnon

Jared Holt reports at Right Wing Watch:

Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and a major Republican political donor, appeared at a White House coronavirus press briefing Monday and captured the attention of QAnon personalities.

At the briefing, President Donald Trump introduced Lindell as a “friend” of his. Lindell​, who was there to explain how his company was creating face masks to help battle the spread of the coronavirus, went off-script ​in his remarks to the press to say that Trump was “chosen by God” to lead America and that people should read the Bible while they’re at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The next day, conspiracy theorist Jordan Sather shared a post on Twitter reporting that entering the letter “Q” as a discount code on the MyPillow web store reduced the price of a four-pack of pillows by $120. “Didn’t POTUS just bring the MyPillow CEO to the White House, too? What a coincidence,” Sather wrote.