Jared Holt reports at Right Wing Watch:
Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and a major Republican political donor, appeared at a White House coronavirus press briefing Monday and captured the attention of QAnon personalities.
At the briefing, President Donald Trump introduced Lindell as a “friend” of his. Lindell, who was there to explain how his company was creating face masks to help battle the spread of the coronavirus, went off-script in his remarks to the press to say that Trump was “chosen by God” to lead America and that people should read the Bible while they’re at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The next day, conspiracy theorist Jordan Sather shared a post on Twitter reporting that entering the letter “Q” as a discount code on the MyPillow web store reduced the price of a four-pack of pillows by $120. “Didn’t POTUS just bring the MyPillow CEO to the White House, too? What a coincidence,” Sather wrote.
The QAnon crew is excited this morning because they discovered that the “My Pillow” website accepts “Q” as a coupon code. It also accepts “W” and lots of other codes that track individual marketing campaigns, so they’re again assigning profound significance to meaningless data. pic.twitter.com/MmYMYJxKx0
— Travis View (@travis_view) March 31, 2020
Why is the MyPillow guy retweeting QAnon gibberish about his website’s discount codes? pic.twitter.com/ch8MxZWBxq
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) April 1, 2020