Pastor: Houston’s Gays Are Pawns Of Satan [VIDEO]

“Here’s the bottom line for us today, I believe as we go forward in what we do next. We need to remember as we are facing the enemy, if you will, that the enemy that we are really up against we can’t see. Those that we can see are caught in the snares of deception and are being used as pawns for the real enemy. We must love them enough to speak truth to them, with clarity, with consistency, with boldness, and with love. That is the only hope they have to be free.” – Houston Pastor Dave Welch, speaking this week in Salt Lake City, where the World Congress of Families convention is underway. Welch goes on to vow that Christians will “make sure” that Annise Parker will not be Houston’s mayor anymore. Parker is being term-limited out of office this year, so mission accomplished! Hit the link for more of Peter Montgomery’s report.