Conspiracy Nuts Freak Out Over US-Made UN Vehicles

Teabagistan is aflame today over photos of armored United Nations vehicles seen being transported on flatbed trucks. The vehicles were built by a Virginia-based company and were sold to the UN for use overseas, but wait – no! – that’s a LIE. These trucks are OBVIOUSLY intended to help the Kenyan usurper install martial law and beat down any patriot uprising. Wake up, sheeple! OK, back to the real world, via Snopes:

Unlike the Daily Mail, we contacted Alpine Armoring, the manufacturer named in their article, to inquire about the images. According to an individual with whom we spoke at Alpine, the vehicles seen in these photographs were purchased by the United Nations for use outside the United States. A number of defense industry manufacturers are based in and around Washington, D.C. (a region that includes Virginia) for obvious logistical reasons, and the representative confirmed that the trucks were ordered by the UN for use in locations abroad.

It is true that the UN vehicles spotted in Lexington were transported via I-81, but they were on their way to an undisclosed destination abroad and are not being deployed for use within the United States. The rumor associated with them was not unlike reports from October 2014 about a “large truck convoy” in Virginia, which also did not result in the imposition of martial law or a UN takeover. It also bore resemblance to long-circulating rumors about the uncovering of a plot to impose martial law via an overturned tractor-trailer carrying portentous signs, which has traveled around the web since 1999 despite the fact its claims never came to pass.

I’ll spare you all the nutjob videos from YouTube. This time!