Dr. Stabby: Loretta Lynch Is Full Of Crap

Politico reports:

Attorney General Loretta Lynch likening the controversial North Carolina bathroom law to Jim Crow laws is “a bunch of crap,” Ben Carson said Monday. Announcing a counter-suit against the state, Lynch said North Carolina “created state-sponsored discrimination against transgender individuals” that violates federal law.

“This is not the first time that we have seen discriminatory responses to historic moments of progress to our nation,” Lynch said, citing the Jim Crow laws, resistance to the landmark Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling, and the proliferation of bans on same-sex marriages as examples.

“That’s what they always say,” Carson told Fox News. “Everything is like Jim Crow. Everything is like racism and segregation and slavery. What a bunch of crap. You know, they want to do that so that they can always gain the sympathy, but thinking people know better.”