Carlson: Hurricanes Are The “Consequence” Of Abortion

“Not since we dropped the atomic bomb in Nagasaki, the second one in August of 1945, and decided that we were gods and that God himself no longer existed — since then, we have been a secular society, and that’s why we’re now being destroyed in my view.

“But even if you don’t buy any of that, you have to acknowledge that we’re living in an anomalous time. This is the only period, these 80 years, where people haven’t been daily discussing the spiritual battle around them. Every other culture has. And, in fact, the remote ones still do, and they’re all right and we’re wrong.

“People — and I have to say, and I’m sure I’ll be attacked for saying this, but I really believe it. People are like, oh, well, we had another hurricane, must be global warming. No, it’s probably abortion, actually. Just being honest. Like, you can’t do that.

“You can’t kill children on purpose knowing that you’re doing that in exchange for power or freedom or happiness, whatever you think you’re getting in return. You can’t participate in human sacrifice without consequences.” – Tucker Carlson, on Steve Bannon’s podcast.