Some Indicted Fake Electors Will Be 2024 Electors

The Washington Post reports:

Republican activists in at least three states where Donald Trump tried to reverse his defeat in 2020 — nearly all of them under criminal indictment for casting electoral votes for him despite his loss — are poised to reprise their roles as presidential electors this year.

Six activists in Michigan, Nevada and New Mexico have made clear to GOP leaders in their states that the investigations into their 2020 activities have not deterred them from seeking the position again. If anything, their view that the prosecutions are bogus has motivated them to step up, according to party leaders.

In Nevada, two of the six Trump electors — Michael McDonald, the state party chairman, and Jesse Law, who leads the largest county committee in the Las Vegas area — were chosen again to serve at the state GOP convention earlier this month.

Read the full article.

Back in December 2020, I reported on the Nevada fake signing ceremony, during which the fake electors, including McDonald [photo above], piously removed their MAGA hats to pray over the phony documents.