Cultists Glue MAGA Hats To Pigeons Because Reasons

NBC News Las Vegas reports:

An otherwise normal flock of birds was let go in downtown Las Vegas Tuesday, on the eve of a crucial Democratic presidential debate. However, to anyone paying attention, these birds had something very strange atop their bobbing heads: customized “Make America Great Again” hats.

The group behind the stunt is called P.U.T.I.N, an acronym for Pigeons United To Interfere Now, and according to their peculiar release sent out late Tuesday evening, they are anonymous underground radicals and their pigeons are trained.

The group’s founder, Coo Hand Luke, says that the project came at the end of months of “exhaustive research, logistical hurdles and pigeon care taking,” adding that the release date was coordinated to serve as a sign of loyal support for President Trump.

Newsweek reports:

The pigeon’s release was allegedly performed as an “aerial protest piece” ahead of the 2020 Democratic debate, scheduled to take place in the city Wednesday night.

The activity had also been coordinated to coincide with the arrival of Trump, who touched down in the City of Lights Tuesday night ahead of a graduation ceremony event, for Hope for Prisoners, and a campaign rally on Friday.

The group claims their satirist activities had been inspired by Operation Tacana: a CIA-led mission involving pigeons hooked up to miniature cameras. In the 1970s, the secret service had hoped the birds would sneak into Soviet Union territory covertly and take photographs of key locations to help the U.S. during the Cold War.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports:

The hats and hairpiece were attached to the pigeons’ heads using eyelash glue, which is used daily by people, the group noted.

“It’s what women use to put around their eyes for eyelash extensions. The hats usually stay on for a day or two, depending on the bird’s movements,” Luke said. “We can also remove them ourselves as they fly back to the coop. They could be gone for a day, two days or a week, but they always come back.”

To those who would complain of animal cruelty, Luke said, “I don’t see the difference between this or people dressing up their dogs or cats.”