Liberty Counsel Had A Bad Year And Needs Money

Liberty Counsel’s list of “big wins” in 2019 is laughable:

Unprecedented threats are coming against your freedom. This attack is coercive, unyielding and highly aggressive. You and your family will not be exempt! Because religious liberty is precious, we are resolved to meet the escalating challenges in the nation’s courtrooms, in the legislative chambers and in every realm of public life. With the help of friend like you, Liberty Counsel has made progress:

  • Won a lawsuit striking down a Tampa, Florida ordinance that prohibited licensed counselors from providing voluntary talk therapy to minors seeking help to reduce or eliminate their unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, or identity. Tampa wanted to fine counselors who provide this therapy.
  • Successfully defended a church in California against an ongoing attempt by outsiders to force the government to discriminate against the church in zoning.
  • Gained equal access for two Christian clubs in Ohio that were not permitted to meet on a high school campus that permitted other student clubs to meet.

Now is the best time to give, because a generous donor has given “matching money” that will double your gift this year! Turn $10,000 into $20,000; $5,000 into $10,000; $250 into $500; or $5 into $10 – any amount will help.

NOT on this 2019 list is their huge loss against Planned Parenthood in which their client was ordered to pay millions. Or their loss against Maryland’s ex-gay torture law. Or their loss defending Kim Davis. Or that the Supreme Court rejected their challenge to New Jersey’s ex-gay torture law. Or that they wasted a shitload of money lobbying the House against the Equality Act. All those losses and more happened in 2019. But send them money for White Jesus!