Delta And Coke Apologize For “Plane Crush” Promotion

The Washington Post reports:

Falling in love on an airplane is the kind of story you only ever hear in a bar or see in a Lifetime movie. But for a brief time this winter, Delta Air Lines wanted to help passengers make it a reality — by gently nudging them to hit on other passengers. With cocktail napkins.

“Be a little old school,” said the small print on the napkin, advertising Diet Coke. “Write down your number & give it to your plane crush. You never know …”

There was a little space on the napkin where flirtatious passengers could write down their name and another space for their number. The larger print said, “because you’re on a plane full of interesting people and hey,” again, “… you never know.” While some found the napkins clever and charming, others thought they were creepy.

Both Delta and Coca-Cola have issued apologies and the napkins have been removed from the planes.