Nancy Pelosi: I Haven’t Heard From Trump Since I Sent Him A Letter Requesting SOTU Postponement [VIDEO]

CBS News reports:

“I’m not for a wall,” Pelosi said repeatedly at the press conference, referring to $5.7 billion funding for the border wall Mr. Trump is requesting in order to sign bills funding the government. “Insistence on the wall is a luxury the country can no longer afford.”

Replying to a question from CBS News’ Nancy Cordes, Pelosi said that she had not heard from the White House about her letter requesting a delay to the State of the Union. She also discussed the need to reopen the government to pay federal workers.

“He thinks it is okay not to pay people who do work. I don’t. My caucus doesn’t either,” Pelosi said about Mr. Trump. Top White House officials are discussing whether the GOP-controlled Senate could invite Mr. Trump to deliver the State of the Union address.