McConnell Mocks Calls To Delay SCOTUS Nomination: They Forget I Said “Presidential” Election Year [VIDEO]

Mediaite reports:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was awful giddy Thursday night while discussion the future confirmation of President Donald Trump‘s next Supreme Court nominee. Appearing on Fox News, McConnell was asked to react to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) accused the Senate Majority Leader of “setting the rules” by not allowing “a Supreme Court justice during an election year.”

“She left out an important word. What I said in 2016 is that we shouldn’t fill a Supreme Court vacancy in the middle of a presidential election year,” McConnell said. “The last time I looked, there’s no presidential election this year. In fact, three current members of the U.S. Supreme Court were completed in election years – non-presidential election years – and the president’s nominee to this Kennedy vacancy will be confirmed in a non-presidential election election year.”