Trump Shares Health Summary With Dr. Oz [VIDEO]

CNN reports:

Donald Trump, a master showman, surprised the “Dr. Oz Show” studio audience on Wednesday by revealing the results of a recent physical exam. The “Oz” episode, taped on Wednesday morning, will not air until Thursday. But a campaign spokeswoman confirmed that Trump handed Dr. Oz a one-page summary of the physical exam he underwent last week.

The physical was conducted by Dr. Harold N. Bornstein, the same doctor who previously said Trump would if elected be the healthiest president in history. The campaign plans to share the information from Dr. Bornstein on Thursday.

“When the numbers come in, I’ll be releasing very, very specific numbers,” Trump said earlier this week. During the taping, Trump told Dr. Oz that he wants to lose about 15 pounds, according to an audience member interviewed by CNN’s MJ Lee.

From USA Today:

“Dr. Oz took Mr. Trump through a full review of systems,” said a statement from the publicist for The Dr. Oz Show, including the head and neck, hormone levels, respiratory health, and “family medical history.” The statement did not provide additional specifics.

The Oz taping was closed to the press, so Trump’s comments may not surface publicly until Thursday. However, audience members later told reporters that Trump expressed a desire to lose weight — some said Trump reported it currently at 230 pounds; others at 267 pounds. The audience also reported that Trump said his cholesterol is down thanks to the drug Statin.