The news from SCOTUS is only a couple of hours old and the money begs are pouring in. This one from NOM is their third in three days on three separate issues.
We are very pleased that the Supreme Court has chosen to review the 6th Circuit’s ruling that found in favor of voters’ right to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. It is time for the 50 million Americans who stood for marriage in 30 states to have their day in court. We are confident that the Supreme Court has chosen the 6th Circuit case in order to affirm the finding of the Appeals court, just as it did in the cases of Windsor v. United States and Sabelius v. Hobby Lobby. We will be watching this case closely and anticipate an eventual victory for the democratic process, religious liberty, and the cherished institution of marriage which forms the very bedrock of our society. Please, right now, take a moment to recommit to standing with NOM and helping us rally the American people to let the Supreme Court know that we are watching, and that the majority of citizens in this country still believe in marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Your donation of $25, $50, or $100 today will help us to rise to this momentous occasion and meet this monumental task.
At least this one actually has to do with marriage.