From the New Orleans Times-Picayune:
On a recent trip to the roller derby, Nicholas Van Sickels and Andrew Bond were laden with 30 pounds of toddler and 20 pounds of gear. Their provisions for the two-hour outing are familiar to Louisiana parents preparing for standard emergencies when leaving the house with a 2-year-old: diapers and changing supplies; baggies of snacks; juice. Then there are extra items that same-sex parents in Louisiana need to bring along whenever they leave the house: birth and adoptions records and other legal paperwork that shows that both Van Sickels and Bond are parents to their daughter.
“When we go to the beach it’s in the glove box,” Bond said in a recent interview at the family’s home in Mid-City. “It’s one more thing to think about: Do you have it with you? And if you forget, it’s scary, though I admit, we’ve never had to get it out.”
Van Sickels and Bond married in 2012 in Washington, D.C., after nearly 10 years as a couple, in part because they wanted to adopt a child. Louisiana allows single people or married people to adopt children. But because Louisiana does not recognize same-sex marriage, only one parent can be listed on birth certificates or adoption records. Gay couples like Van Sickels and Bond can’t adopt jointly.
The Fifth Circuit Court will hear their appeal today as well as the appeals out of Texas and Mississippi. Their case is also among those under consideration by the US Supreme Court today.