SYDNEY: Giant Condom Riles Anti-Gays

A giant condom wrapped over a monument in a Sydney park has enraged anti-gay activists.

The 18m fluoro covering was slipped onto the Hyde Park Obelisk overnight as part of an advertising campaign commissioned by an agency for HIV prevention among gay men. Australian Christian Lobby director and outdoor advertising lobbyist Wendy Francis has spoken out on the stunt, telling it was “disgusting” and “completely inappropriate”. “My position on this is always that the government but also the community we have responsibility to our children,” she said. “There is a time and place for talking to children, and an age appropriate time for parents to talk to children about condoms. Parents do not want to be forced into a situation where they have to explain something that’s not relevant.”

The AIDS Council of New South Wales says the condom will remain in place for the next week.