“Dear Joe, The New Year has dawned — and we’re pushing back against the forces of radical secularism. But I need you to stand with us as we begin 2014. This is your pledge to stand with Family Research Council (FRC) during 2014 as we work for you in the halls of power to say: YES to religious liberty and values, and NO to pushing Christian influence out of government and our national life. In the new military, chaplains have been censored. Post chapels have been desecrated by same-sex ‘weddings.’ Prayers in the name of Jesus have been banned at military funerals. Same-sex relationships have been not only protected but affirmed and the careers of servicemen have been ruined for daring to express their orthodox Christian beliefs. If the Obama administration has its way, it will soon become a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for any serviceman or woman to share his or her faith — a crime punishable by a dishonorable discharge, or even worse, imprisonment. That’s why FRC is working overtime to stop this attack.” – KKK-affiliated hate group leader Tony Perkins, via email.