“Overwhelmed, wearied and confused by years of attacks of all kinds a slim majority of Mainers grudgingly handed the sodomy movement the keys to Maine’s home. Tragically marriage, family, decency and common sense are all collapsing in the Pine Tree State. The truths of Genesis 19 and Romans 1 are becoming evident. I am encouraged by the efforts of Dave Smith and the Illinois Family Institute to avert this same disaster in the Midwest.
“Fourteen states have fallen to the radical homosexual agenda. New Jersey is the latest state to pledge obeisance to this evil. And make no mistake, a society’s decision to turn it’s back on God’s definition of marriage can end only one way. Judgment and destruction. Now is the time for Christians everywhere to increase their commitment to groups like the Illinois Family Institute. No matter what happens this year with the marriage debate Christians must deepen their resolve to live as Christians in our modern world. We must choose to do this out of love for God and our fellow man.
“Sexual sin is a destroyer. Jesus Christ is the creator. We are His creation, and we must defend and assert this proposition relentlessly in America. In God we Trust.” – Mike Heath, head of the Christian Civic League of Maine, in a mass email sent yesterday by the SPLC-certified hate group, the Illinois Family Institute, which is holding an anti-gay march on the Illinois capitol today.