Quote Of The Day – Jim Garlow

“Destroying the definition of marriage is not merely ‘left.’ It is wrong. It is sin. Stealing funds from future generations and spending it so that they will be closer to slavery than freedom is not merely ‘left.’ It is wrong. It is sin. Although Mr. Gingrich is not running for ‘Theologian-in-Chief’ but ‘Commander-in-Chief,’ he grasps these issues. He understands the moral component.” – Pastor Jim Garlow, endorsing Newt Gingrich.

RELATED: In the past Garlow has announced that Satan loves gay marriage, that God passed Prop 8 because he fasted, and that the nation’s Christians should pick up a musket and rise against homosexuals. Garlow is the co-author of the Manhattan Declaration, which calls on Christians to disobey any law that protects LGBT people from discrimination.