In a move that is backed by the Louisiana Family Council, a state Senate committee has approved a GOP bill that would make it legal for charter schools to refuse admittance to gay children. The bill also authorizes schools to turn away students with poor English skills and with physical challenges. Charter schools are private institutions contracted by the state …
Read More »Tag Archives: Hair Club For Bigots
Satan Is The Best Gay Activist EVER
“Everybody on both sides of this issue full well knows the implications, that these are two locomotives coming at each other and those two locomotives cannot exist on the same track on the same time, and one is the radical homosexual agenda and the other one is religious liberty. They cannot be in the same country at the same time. …
Read More »Marriage Sanctity Defender Jim Garlow Says God Has Forgiven Slimy Swingrich
Pastor Jim “Bad Weave” Garlow says that Satan is behind gay marriage. He also says that God passed Prop 8 because he personally fasted during the election and that Americans should pick up a gun and “rise up” against homosexuals. Garlow is the co-author of the Manhattan Declaration, which calls on citizens to defy any law protecting LGBT people from …
Read More »Today’s Dumbass Lie From Trump
Clearly he thinks he’s the only one with a Google Machine.
Read More »Quote Of The Day – Jim Garlow
“Destroying the definition of marriage is not merely ‘left.’ It is wrong. It is sin. Stealing funds from future generations and spending it so that they will be closer to slavery than freedom is not merely ‘left.’ It is wrong. It is sin. Although Mr. Gingrich is not running for ‘Theologian-in-Chief’ but ‘Commander-in-Chief,’ he grasps these issues. He understands the …
Read More »Jim Garlow: Satan Loves Gay Marriage
Three-time Hairpiece Olympics gold medalist Pastor Jim Garlow tells his followers that Satan himself is behind the national marriage equality movement. Oh, and all that fucking done on Earth is nothing like the Celestial Orgy you’ll have with Jeebus. Think of the best marriage you know of on Earth and God is so gracious he says I want you to …
Read More »PhoboQuotable – Pastor Jim Garlow
“When these pastors would complete their sermons, they would take off their black robes — they preached in vestments at those times – and underneath that would be the attire of military. They would pick up a musket and ask: ‘Who’s going to go fight with me?’ And so the revolutionary armies during that time came from pastors leading the …
Read More »Christian Clergy To Attempt To Incite Hate Crimes To Prove Religious Discrimination
World Net Daily reports that a group of Christian clergymen lead by Christian Anti-Defamation Commission head Gary Cass are planning a November 16th demonstration at the U.S. Capitol during which they intend to use inciting language in the hopes of being arrested for hate crimes, thereby proving the anti-Christian bias of the just-passed Matthew Shepard Act. “We’re basically going to …
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