Today: UN To Call For Global End To Criminalization Of Homosexuality
(But The United States Won’t Sign On)

In a landmark but nonbinding resolution, today the United Nations will call for the global decriminalization of homosexuality.

Eighty-six countries in the world still criminalize gay sex with punishments from years of imprisonment to death. France will bring the resolution to the General Assembly with the backing of the entire European Union, many non-EU European nations, Canada, Israel, Japan, Mexico, much of South America, and others.

But not the United States, perhaps due to pressure from the Vatican which says the resolution will lead to pressure on countries to legalize same-sex marriage. That puts America in the same camp as the Organization of Islamic States, which has joined the Vatican in opposing the resolution.

Noted UK gay activist Peter Tatchell:

“It will be the first time in its history that the UN General Assembly has ever considered the issue of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) human rights,” noted British gay human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell of the London-based LGBT rights group OutRage! “Even today, not a single international human rights convention explicitly acknowledges the human rights of LGBT people. The right to physically love the person of one’s choice is nowhere enshrined in any global humanitarian law. No convention recognises sexual rights as human rights. None offer explicit protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity,” Tatchell added.

The Vatican’s opposition to the resolution has prompted loud protests across Italy from LGBT rights activists. Today there will be protests in four U.S. cities, including one at 12:30PM at New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Avenue. The American protests are being organized by the LGBT Catholic group DignityUSA.

(Via – Edge Boston)