North Carolina Republican Leader Shares Fake Photo Of Ford, Implies She’s Too Ugly To Have Ever Been Raped

Law & Crime reports:

The North Carolina Republican Party appears to have taken President Donald Trump‘s recent mocking of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at a Mississippi night rally as a call-to-arms.

Cabarrus County GOP Chairman Lanny Lancaster shared a meme purporting to contain an image of Ford with the caption, “This is the alleged sexual assault victim. Wow.” Lancaster’s post was a re-share of a post by Joseph T. Mannarino, which contained the caption, “This was Christine Blasey Ford in 1982.”

The woman in the photo is not Ford. The photo in question has been shared as a meme for the better part of a decade on the internet.

The Raleigh News & Observer reports:

Contacted by The News & Observer, Lancaster said in a phone interview that there’s nothing inappropriate about his post. “I didn’t say anything. I just said this is her picture. Basically, the media is distorting the facts on this lady. Everything she’s said is made up. She has no evidence whatsoever. I support that theory,” Lancaster said.

Lancaster said he takes issue with how the news media is portraying Ford’s early life. “The media wants you to think she was a beautiful young lady who was on her way home from the tennis courts ,” Lancaster said. “I just wanted you to see the real person. I wanted people to see that this is really her.”

It appears that the fake photo got its new life on 4chan and has since gone viral in the right wing fever swamps of Facebook and Twitter.