Parkland Activist Emma Gonzalez Now Has Twice The Twitter Following Of The NRA, More Than Dana Loesch

USA Today reports:

A high school senior who survived the mass shooting at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida two weeks ago now has nearly twice as many followers on Twitter as the National Rifle Association.

Emma Gonzalez, a high school senior, has become one of the most prominent voices calling for gun control legislation following the attack, which resulted in the death of 17 people in Parkland, Fla. Gonzalez joined Twitter last week, and already has amassed more than 955,000 followers, compared to the 584,000 followers the NRA has gained since joining Twitter in 2009.

Her name began trending on the social platform on Feb. 17, when she delivered a speech at an anti-gun rally calling out politicians who take donations from the NRA. She specifically called out President Trump, who took millions from the NRA for his campaign.

Every social movement in US history has largely been spurred onward by young people. The difference today is that their voices are now hugely amplified thanks to social media. That may be the best thing social media has done for us.