Kellyanne Conway On Jeff Sessions’ Offer To Resign: Trump Has Confidence In The People Who Work For Him

Axios reports:

Kellyanne Conway told Mike Allen this morning that Trump “has confidence in the people who work for him” when asked if POTUS still believes in his Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who allegedly offered to resign over tensions with Trump.

On the Russia investigation: Trump “sees that there’s nothing there…if you look at everything that’s been said and done we’re back to where we were at the beginning…if this, if that…doesn’t seem to be very responsible to me…You can do almost any storyline with if, if, if, if, if.”

On whether Trump will live-tweet former FBI James Comey’s testimony tomorrow: “He will make his own decisions…oh the tweeting men in my life,” referencing when her husband tweeted earlier this week that POTUS might be risking his travel ban’s stance before the Supreme Court by tweeting.