Raves For Bill Clinton’s DCN Speech [VIDEO]

From the Washington Post:

As he stood at the lectern Tuesday night, Bill Clinton was doing more than delivering another convention speech, something he has done every four years spanning four decades. This was a larger moment for the former president, and it was a long time coming. In this one speech, he was essentially making good on a marital and political promissory note by employing the full measure of his rhetorical skills to boost his wife’s history-making week as the first woman to become a major party nominee.

The quality of the rhetoric aside, there has never been a speech quite like the one Clinton delivered here in Philadelphia. A husband speaking on behalf of his wife — that has been done before. A former president speaking in support of a prospective president also is nothing new. But the combination of the two is unprecedented. A former president who wants to be first man extolling the virtues of a former first lady who wants to be president. Only the Clintons.