Seth Meyers On Orlando: Hatred Drove The Killer But Inaction By Congress Gave Him The Guns [VIDEO]

Raw Story recaps:

Meyers noted that the shooter used the same weapon that has been used in other mass shootings like the San Bernardino and Aurora shootings. “Now, there’s been a lot of talk about motive,” Meyers acknowledged. “This was an attack on LGBT people fueled by bigotry and hatred and the shooter was apparently inspired by ISIS, but we’re going to talk about guns because, whether the shooter was a homophobe, mentally ill, a terrorist inspired by ISIS or all three, what allowed him to kill so many people Sunday was his gun.”

This will spark another conversation in the country about guns, that will likely go nowhere as the NRA tightens its grip around the throats of Congress. Meyers said that it might be worth considering a few facts before that conversation begins, however.

“First, when he spoke to the nation on Sunday, President Obama made note of our continued insistence of doing nothing in the face of senseless acts of gun violence like this one,” Meyers began before playing the clip of Obama’s speech. “And when consistently given a chance, Congress continues to do nothing as a course of action.”