Ted Cruz Issues Rapping Campaign Ad Showing Hillary Smashing A Computer Because Reasons [VIDEO]

Politico snorts:

Damn, it feels good to be a Clinton. Or so it would seem, according to Ted Cruz’s latest ad released Friday. The Cruz campaign released its first ad explicitly going after Hillary Clinton on Friday, set to the tune of Geto Boys’ “Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta.”

“Damn it feels good to be a Clinton. A shameless politician plays her cards right,” the lyrics begin, featuring a cast and scene ripped from the 1999 comedic hit “Office Space.” “Got a crew for the fights on the airwaves. Lap dogs in the press keep their mouths tight.”

Featuring Clinton and others taking turns destroying a computer with a baseball bat, the ad drives home the message that Cruz has made during debates and on the campaign trail about her use of a private server while secretary of state.