Hate Pastor Vows To Barricade Himself In His Church To Show World His Defiance Against “Sodomite Faggots”

As the February 24th public auction of his church approaches, Harlem hate Pastor James David Manning last night declared a three-step plan to thwart the “white sodomite faggots” who are secretly conspiring with Mayor Bill De Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Watch below.

Manning’s first action will be next Friday, when he will hold a press conference at City Hall, flanked by members of his congregation and students of the ATLAH school. Manning claims that leaders of other black churches will also attend. The second step will be an all night prayer vigil at the church on the night before the auction, which will surely “lead to victory” because Jesus.

But if Jesus somehow has still failed to block the auction, Manning vows to barricade himself in the church in a “standoff not seen since Wounded Knee.” Manning plans to surround himself with children during the standoff. As some of you have predicted, this could get violent.