AFA Loses Shit Over Bert & Ernie

The American Family Association has posted a frothing column from Bryan Fischer about today’s New Yorker cover featuring Bert and Ernie.  Unsurprisingly, Fischer cites the debunked Regnerus study extensively.

The tony, elitist New Yorker magazine, read by those who fancy themselves our moral and intellectual superiors, is in effect promoting child endangerment on the cover of its latest issue, and shamelessly using Bert and Ernie to do it. A staggering 23% of adult children of lesbians reported having been sexually molested – unwanted sexual touching or worse – than children raised by a mom and a dad. Six percent of children raised by a homosexual father reported being the victims of sexual abuse, which is a rate 300% higher than among the children of married biological parents. It is thus clear from the best in social research that being raised in a same-sex environment poses completely unacceptable risks to vulnerable young children. By promoting same-sex marriage, and using Sesame Street to do it, the New Yorker staff in effect is promoting child abuse. They should be ashamed of themselves.

The cover image has gone viral elsewhere across Teabagistan.