Media Matters reports: The last full jobs report of the Biden administration showed a gain of 256,000 jobs during December 2024, about 100,000 more than expected, while the unemployment rate ticked down to 4.1%, about where it’s held for the past year. Yet, just seconds prior to the report’s release, Heritage Foundation economist and long-time Trump adviser Stephen Moore was …
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Trump Flack Blames Invasion On US “Green Energy”
Media Matters has the transcript: STEPHEN MOORE (FORMER TRUMP ECONOMIC ADVISER): The entire Russian economy is really financed with oil. And it is so frustrating, and even almost immoral, that here we are in a situation today where we’re now actually importing oil from the Russians. And in fact, that means that we’re actually inadvertently helping finance the Russian war …
Read More »Stephen Moore: It’s “Very Depressing” That Biden Won
The Daily Beast reports: The official position of Donald Trump, his administration, and his reelection campaign is that he won the election that he just lost. But one of the campaign’s top surrogates bluntly says that Joe Biden indeed won, and he’s urging the president and the White House to focus on enshrining as many Trump policies as possible before …
Read More »WH Advisor: The Worse Economic News Is Behind Us
The Hill reports: Stephen Moore, a member of the White House coronavirus economic task force, said he thinks the “worst economic news” has passed and urged Democratic governors and mayors to expedite the reopening of their respective states and cities amid the pandemic. “The problem is we still have New York. And we have California. And we have Michigan and …
Read More »WH Advisor: Why Not Put Everyone In “Space Outfits”?
“I was thinking this morning, and this is just kind of a thought experiment because I was thinking about this — why don’t we just put everybody in a space outfit or something like that? “Seriously, I mean — I know we don’t have space outfits [laughter]— I mean, just thinking out loud, and maybe this is a crazy idea, …
Read More »WH Advisor Helped Organize WI Lockdown Protest
The New York Times reports: Support for the protests features more direct ties to the White House than simply support for Mr. Trump. The administration recently formed an advisory group for reopening the economy that included Stephen Moore, the conservative economics commentator. Mr. Moore had been coordinating with FreedomWorks, the Tea Party Patriots and the American Legislative Exchange Council in …
Read More »WH Advisor Compares COVID Protesters To Rosa Parks
The Huffington Post reports: The largely white protesters who oppose social distancing measures to protect the public from COVID-19 are like Rosa Parks, who waged a historic battle for racial equality, right-wing economic commentator and White House adviser Stephen Moore repeatedly insisted Friday. “I call these people modern-day Rosa Parks. They are protesting against injustice and a loss of liberties,” …
Read More »Trump Advisor Calls For Privatizing Social Security
“This is an idea that I don’t know if the Trump administration is going to embrace, but it’s something, I think, for middle class people would be one of the best ways for every American to own stock in America. So, instead — the idea would be, you know, rather than having to send your 10% of your paycheck into …
Read More »Trump Advisor Floats Deep Middle Class Tax Cuts
The Hill reports: Stephen Moore — a fellow at the Heritage Foundation who played a key role in developing President Trump’s tax proposals in 2016 — said Tuesday that he’s pitched several tax plan ideas for the president’s reelection campaign, including consolidating the number of tax brackets from seven “to potentially three or four.” Moore told The Hill on Tuesday …
Read More »Top Trump Advisor Admits Trump Tells Lies [VIDEO]
The Hill reports: Stephen Moore, an economic adviser to President Trump, said that he thinks that the president “should stop saying things that are untrue.” “I think when Trump says things that are false, that does undermine his presidential authority and I wish he wouldn’t do it,” Moore told host Mehdi Hasan on Al Jazeera’s “Head to Head.” “He should …
Read More »Stephen Moore Rages: “Liberals Are Stupid And Evil”
Mediaite reports: Days after withdrawing his name from consideration from a seat on the Fed, economist Stephen Moore is absolutely livid at the constituency he believes sunk his chances. Appearing on the America First radio show with Sebastian Gorka Monday, Moore raged against the Left for what he termed a “campaign” against him. “Why did they run this campaign against …
Read More »Moore Blames “Sleaze Campaign” For Sinking Fed Gig
Mediaite reports: Stephen Moore phoned into Fox Business on Thursday to give Neil Cavuto the first word about his decision to withdraw from consideration for the Federal Reserve Board. When asked about his decision, Moore blamed the “sleaze campaign” from critics and the media. He defended his past writings, saying “they were meant to be jokes,” but acknowledged that many …
Read More »Trump Won’t Nominate Stephen Moore For Fed Board
The New York Times reports: President Trump said he would not nominate Stephen Moore for a seat on the Federal Reserve board after several Republican lawmakers raised concerns about the conservative economist’s previous comments denigrating women. Mr. Moore, who continued to insist as recently as Thursday that he retained Mr. Trump’s support, appeared unlikely to win Senate confirmation after Republican …
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