“So could you have a more perfectly framed scenario for fraud? So in this kind of scenario, it’s entirely possible that you could have ballots already filled out. In fact they could be printed in China. They could be routed through various countries so you can’t detect them. Make their way into Minnesota, be in a barn somewhere. Until after …
Read More »Tag Archives: Michele Bachmann
Bachmann: Biden Will Turn Us Communist In 100 Days
“This is a revolution in the street. It parallels communist takeovers in nation after nation for the last 103 years. This is a communist revolution and take over in our streets, and really Joe Biden is the nonessential candidate. “From his party’s perspective, they don’t care who’s at the top of the ticket because what they know is that 100 …
Read More »Michele Bachmann: Transgender Marxists Want To Elect Biden, Turn US Communist, And Create Digital Currency
“Just like Black Lives Matter, this is not a new movement either. On their website, these are transgender Marxists, transgender Black Marxists who are seeking the overthrow the United States and the dissolution of the traditional family. “This is exactly what a communist revolution looks like. They think they’re going to do it by electing Joe Biden. “And then once …
Read More »Bachmann Blames COVID On Plan To Divide Jerusalem
“On Jan, 28, 2020, a plan was revealed that envisioned a dividing of the covenant land and a division of Jerusalem. Since that time, we have seen nothing but distress. The Bible speaks of that in Zechariah: Anyone who burdens themselves with a division of Jerusalem will be cut themselves upon a rock and nations will be destroyed. “Jerusalem is …
Read More »Top Evangelicals Send Raging Letter To Christianity Today: You Are Questioning Our “Christian Witness”
TIME Magazine reports: As the political clamor caused by a top Christian magazine’s call to remove President Donald Trump from office continues to reverberate, more than 100 conservative evangelicals closed ranks further around Trump on Sunday. In a letter to the president of Christianity Today magazine, the group of evangelicals chided Editor-in-Chief Mark Galli for penning an anti-Trump editorial, published …
Read More »Michele Bachman: We’ve Never Had A President With “Greater Moral Clarity” Than We Do With Donald Trump
DeadState reports: In an appearance on Tony Perkins’ Washington Watch program this Tuesday, former Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann discussed the Democrats’ “fake, phony” impeachment inquiry currently targeting President Trump. “This is such a pathetic joke,” Bachmann said. “They have no candidate on the Democrat side for 2020 that they can get excited about. They have no message, they have no …
Read More »Michele Bachmann: God Says Climate Change Is Fake
“I would encourage pastors to start preaching on this issue of climate change and God’s view of climate change. The very covenant was established by God and Noah. And that covenant was that sin was so gross in the world that God had to bring about judgment, and then he had to bring about salvation, and from there came Abraham. …
Read More »Bachmann: Trump Is The Most Biblical President Ever
“I want your listeners to know, never before have I ever seen a more pro-Israel president. He is, without a doubt, the most biblical president I have ever seen. I’m going to repeat that: he is the most biblical president I have ever seen in what he does. His actions are remarkable and I would ask the audience to please …
Read More »Michele Bachmann: We’ll Never See A More “Godly, Biblical” President Than Trump In Our Lifetime [AUDIO]
“I will say to your listeners, in my lifetime I have never seen a more biblical president than I have seen in Donald Trump. He has so impressed me in what he has done, and we haven’t even talked about Israel. What he has done to advance Israel. He is highly biblical and we will in all likelihood never see …
Read More »Crazy Eyes: I Do Want Nikki Haley’s United Nations Job
“I’m open to it because foreign policy is my interest and the United Nations is not an organization that I have been a fan of for a long time. I’ve been there for over a year now at the United Nations and we’re trying to bring a different perspective to the United Nations. We have several ways that we’re trying …
Read More »Michele Bachmann Leads Evangelical Meeting With Murderous Saudi Leader: “Pray For The Crown Prince”
Al Jazeera reports: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman held a rare meeting with American evangelical Christians as the conservative kingdom seeks to open up more to the world and repair an image of religious intolerance. The delegation was led on Thursday by communications strategist Joel Rosenberg and included former US congresswoman Michele Bachmann, according to an emailed statement …
Read More »Michele Bachmann: Over 80% Of The Caravan Migrants Are Gang-Aged Males With Ties To MS-13 [AUDIO]
“The second they come here, they have a full legal right to free education, to free healthcare. They don’t pay for it, we pay for it. When you go to the doctor, you pay for your medical bills, they don’t have to. The people who are part of this current invasion, over 80 percent are gang-aged males, military-aged males. Many …
Read More »Tony Perkins: I’ve Floated Michele Bachmann To Replace Nikki Haley As US Ambassador To The United Nations
“I actually was with Nikki Haley and interviewed before her announcement that she was going to be stepping down. She did a great job, I was impressed with what she did. I actually think that Michele Bachmann would make a great replacement for her at the United Nations. Michele, a former Congresswoman from Minnesota, a member of the House Intelligence …
Read More »Bachmann: Trump Was Sent To Us By Jesus [VIDEO]
“Two years ago, I believe that the prayers that God’s people made to ask God for his provision were heard. They were heard and granted and for two years, we have lived in an unparalleled golden time in the United States. We have a president who has made the most pro-life actions of any president ever. We have a president …
Read More »Michele Bachmann: Hillary And Obama Belong In Jail
“Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton colluded together with a former spy from Russia to spy on Donald Trump’s campaign, including embedding a human being in his campaign to spy on him and use the instruments of the United States government – the CIA, the FBI – to spy on a candidate for president. The government was used against political opponents. …
Read More »End Times Pastor Rebukes Michele Bachmann For Apologizing Over Wanting To Convert Jews [VIDEO]
Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch: Back in 2015, we posted a clip of former Rep. Michele Bachmann declaring that since the End Times were soon to begin, it was more important than ever for Christians to focus on converting as many people as possible—including Jews—to Christianity in preparation for the imminent return of Christ. Bachmann was in Israel …
Read More »Bachmann: God Doesn’t Want Me In The Senate
Minnesota Public Radio reports: Former Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann has ruled out a run for U.S. Senate seat next fall, MPR News has confirmed. Bachmann’s reasoning: She didn’t have any “sense from the lord” that she should try for the seat, which was left vacant after Al Franken resigned following allegations of sexual misconduct. “It became very clear to …
Read More »Michele Bachmann: I Prayed Trump Into Office [VIDEO]
Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch: Last week, former Minnesota congresswoman and current “pastor to the United Nations” Michele Bachmann joined televangelist Kenneth Copeland to provide live analysis of President Trump’s State of the Union address, during which the two agreed that it was their prayers that helped turn the tide of the 2016 presidential election. Recalling her role …
Read More »Michele Bachmann Wants To Know If God Is “Calling” Her To Run For Al Franken’s Senate Seat [VIDEO]
Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch: Former Minnesota congresswoman and current “pastor to the United Nations” Michele Bachmann joined End Times prepper pastor Jim Bakker for a series of television programs that aired last week, during which she revealed that she is currently considering making a run for the U.S. Senate seat that is set to be vacated by …
Read More »Crazy Eyes At Hate Convention: Unbelievers Are Going To Hell, Archeology Proves The Bible True [VIDEO]
Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch: Apparently operating under her new anointing as pastor, Bachmann opened her remarks by celebrating the election of Donald Trump before dedicating a significant portion of the remainder of her speech to recounting the history of Christianity and the saving power of Christ. “You know, the remarkable thing,” she said, “when you read the …
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