“I was in Phoenix, Arizona on a business trip — and this was, uh, either January 8th or 9th, 2009 — I had just returned to my hotel room traveling solo, having dinner, turned on the TV, and they’re showing the U.S senators getting nominated. Or not nominated — sworn in. “And I looked at the TV and I said, …
Read More »Tag Archives: Jo Rae Perkins
GOP Senate Nominee Explains Her Devotion To QAnon Batshittery: I Don’t Need To Be A Scientist, I Can Read
CNN’s Sara Sidner reports: When Jo Rae Perkins walked over to greet us for the very first time, she did not introduce herself or ask our names, the first thing she did was move her hand across her face and say, “What are these things on your faces?” “What are these things?” Perkins repeated circling her mouth with her hand. …
Read More »GOP/QAnon US Senate Nominee: Masks And Social Distancing Are A Plot To Turn Us Into Zombies [VIDEO]
“They need to start breaking the bond that we have with each other. And they can do that by making us wear a mask. By telling us to stay at least six feet away from another human being. Because we don’t want to get too close, because they could be bad for us. “See, this is all about de-socialization. Love …
Read More »GOP Senate Nominee And #QAnon Nutbag: Soros Is Funding Army Of Protesters “Put Together” By Obama
Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch: Jo Rae Perkins, the QAnon conspiracy theorist who is the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate in Oregon, streamed a video on Facebook last night in which she called for the National Guard to be mobilized against “the army that Obama put together” that she believes is behind the nationwide protests. Perkins also …
Read More »National Review: GOP Must Renounce #QAnon Nutbag
From the editors of the conservative National Review: On Tuesday, Jo Rae Perkins won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Oregon. The Oregon GOP says it will back her candidacy notwithstanding her associations with the “QAnon” movement. That’s a mistake. Perkins is an unreconstructed exponent of a batty and corrosive conspiracy theory running a longshot campaign that carries only …
Read More »GOP Unwilling To Voice Support For #QAnon Nutbag Senate Nominee, Who Has Retracted Her Retraction
ABC News reports: Republicans in Oregon this week nominated a Senate candidate with a deep history of promoting and vowing support for the QAnon conspiracy theory, providing the fringe movement its largest electoral platform yet and roiling Republicans over having a candidate who openly embraces baseless conspiracy theories. When asked about supporting Perkins in the general election, the Republican National …
Read More »#QAnon Nutbag US Senate Nominee Denies She’s A #QAnon Nutbag: You Took Me Out Of Context [VIDEO]
“I’m disheartened that less than 24 hours after my win, my words were already being spun through the fake news machine and taken out of context. I was not endorsing QAnon, but rather stating that I appreciate the fact that there is still free speech in this country that allows for voices—including whistleblowers from both sides of the aisle—that may, …
Read More »#QAnon Nutbag Wins Oregon US Senate GOP Primary
Jared Holt reports at Right Wing Watch: Republicans in the state of Oregon have voted to nominate someone who believes in the QAnon conspiracy theory as their candidate for U.S. Senate in November’s election showdown. Jo Rae Perkins, whom Right Wing Watch profiled in January, won her primary election yesterday in a blowout, stomping her next closest opponent by more …
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