This wonderful email came in last night…. Hi Joe, I cannot tell you how my heart sunk when I saw the story you have picked up from my island. This morning I had to verbally reprimand a coworker and ask her to stop speaking about the “gay ship”. I ignored her when she said that an arrest was made, only …
Read More »Tag Archives: Farmboyz
Baad Lamb’s New York City Close-Up
I’ve been on countless destination-less excursions around NYC with my beloved Farmboyz, during which my camera is drawn to historic or inelegant architecture and Father Tony’s to eccentric characters. But Tony’s husband is usually a block behind us, crouched with his camera over the pattern in a sewer grate, or climbing onto a pile of rubble to get that perfect …
Read More »Open Thread Thursday
My beloved Farmboyz are heading out to San Francisco a week ahead of me this weekend. I was about to spend a couple of hours writing them a long list of must-sees, but since it’s been almost nine years since I left, I decided to throw it over to you guys. Key words: art galleries, architecture, staircases, indie theater, and …
Read More »Summer Streets Of Manhattan
Yesterday was the first of three consecutive Saturdays in Manhattan’s new Summer Streets program in which roads are closed to cars in a route from the Brooklyn Bridge up to Park Avenue at 72nd Street. It was like Critical Mass, only without the assholes. (Above: Farmboy C at Park & 60th.)The Farmboyz and I turned the day into one of …
Read More »Guest Post: Father Tony
Father Tony here, guest blogging for Joe from Fort Lauderdale. Dear Joe, No, of course you didn’t call too early this morning. In fact, C and I have been up for hours and have been at the Euro Café on East Sunrise Boulevard, hard by the drawbridge on the Galleria mall side of the Intracoastal. Here, the French proprietress who …
Read More »Taking It Personally
My dear friend Father Tony, a man who is “no stranger to those venues providing the probabilities of good friction for the price of a beer or a ‘six month membership'”, has responded in his typically eloquent fashion to my post about the possible closure of NYC’s commercial sex establishments. Go read Tony’s take on personal responsibility, it’s beautiful.
Read More »Love, Laughter, Longevity
My beloved Farmboyz celebrated their 24th anniversary on Monday. An excerpt from Father Tony’s blog: I watch others tread water for the length of their lives, using curious tools to stay above its surface. The morphine of religion. The aquarium of wealth. The fanning gills of sex. The antifreeze of drink. Their sharks never seemed much to care for me, …
Read More »The Three Faces Of Father Tony
Father Tony has this wonderful self-triptych hanging in his great room. The backgrounds are made of NY Times headlines, Powerbar wrappers, and dozens of pics of C. The boys are scattered around the house, drinking coffee, reading newspapers, yakking on the terrace. A perfect do-nothing weekend. We visited the Mark Twain House yesterday (yaaaaawn) but other than that, the nine …
Read More »Morning View – Chez Farmboyz
The Farmboyz’ Connecticut home is filled with Father Tony and C’s original artwork, books, and at the momment, about a dozen men. Last night we attended the Hartford Men’s Social, a monthly cocktail party with its origins in a simple email list that began eight years ago. The party’s creator, a genial fellow named Dave, told me that the list …
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