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CANADA: Circumcision Opponents To Protest Appearances By Oprah Winfrey

Canadian anti-circumcision activists say they will protest outside several  appearances by Oprah Winfrey because she has endorsed a skincare line that uses human cells harvested from foreskins. Via the Jewish Press: “How would Oprah respond if a skin cream for men hit the market that was made using cells from the genitalia of little girls? I think she would be …

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VENEZUELA: Hand-Picked Successor To Hugo Chavez Wins Presidency In Squeaker

The gay-baiting hand-picked successor to Hugo Chavez has won the Venezuelan presidency by the narrowest of margins. Winner Nicolas Maduro campaigned on a promise to carry on Mr Chavez’s self-styled socialist revolution, and defeated a two-time challenger who claimed the late president’s regime has put Venezuela on the road to ruin. Officials say Mr Maduro defeated Henrique Capriles by just …

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Dan Savage Vs Kirsten Powers

Dan Savage and Fox News contributor Kirsten Powers got into it today over Dan’s book review this weekend in the New York Times. Hit the first link for their back-and-forth. And of course, Chris Barron felt the need to jump in with his usual style.

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Rick Santorum Hospitalized

Rick Santorum was hospitalized today. “While traveling in South Carolina on Saturday, Rick Santorum became ill and was admitted to the hospital for a gastro-intestinal illness and dehydration,” said Virginia Davis, spokesperson for Patriot Voices, Santorum’s political action committee, in a statement. “He is feeling better today but remains in the hospital and is unable to travel to Iowa on …

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HomoQuotable – Dan Savage

“My father was a Catholic deacon, my mother was a lay minister and I thought about becoming a priest. I was in church every Sunday for the first 15 years of my life. Now I spend my Sundays on my bike, on my snowboard or on my husband. I haven’t spent my post-Catholic decades in a sulk, wishing the church …

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