Trump Corruption

Trump Threatens To End All Press Briefings

After yesterday’s bumbling and lie-filled press briefing by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, snippets of which were dissected and replayed throughout yesterday afternoon, this morning Hair Furor made excuses for the lies because, after all, he’s a VERY BUSY president. Trump followed up with an open threat to end press briefings entirely. Which is totally normal. Everything is fine. Again, the story …

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FBI Sources: James Comey Didn’t Seek Dinner With Trump, Never Told Him He’s Not Under Investigation

NBC News reports: Despite what President Donald Trump said earlier in the day, James Comey did not seek a dinner with the president to retain his job, one current and one former FBI official close to Comey told NBC News Thursday evening. The January dinner meeting between the two men, the sources said, was requested by the White House. And …

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LIVE VIDEO: White House Press Briefing

Let’s see if she’s getting any better at lying. Via Patch: The White House continues to face questions about the firing of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday night. The events that led up to Comey’s termination are unclear, and many press reports tell a very different story than the one the administration has laid out. Some recent reports have …

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Trump Claims He Was Going To Fire “Showboat” James Comey Regardless Of Any Recommendations [VIDEO]

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump, in an exclusive interview Thursday with NBC News’ Lester Holt, called ousted FBI chief James Comey a “showboat” and revealed he asked Comey whether he was under investigation for alleged ties to Russia. “I actually asked him” if I was under investigation, Trump said, noting that he spoke with Comey once over dinner and …

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Trump Legal Team Declares Him Immune From Unfair Competition Lawsuit Filed By Washington DC Restaurant

Consumerist reports: In response to an unfair competition lawsuit filed against President Trump by a D.C. restaurant claiming that it’s lost business to a Trump-operated building within walking distance to the White House, the President’s legal team says that not only are the claims without merit, but that Trump is immune from this sort of legal action. The owners of …

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Acting FBI Director Contradicts Trump On Comey, Says Comey Still Has “Broad Support” From FBI Staffers

The New York Times reports: The unfolding story over Mr. Trump’s abrupt firing of Mr. Comey hung over the hearing, infusing political theater into annual testimony by the nation’s top security officials about the biggest threats facing the United States. Mr. McCabe rejected the White House’s assertion that Mr. Comey had lost the backing of rank-and-file F.B.I. agents, a pointed …

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Trump Jr. Defends Daddy’s Firing Of Comey By Tweeting Claim That Bill Clinton Had Vince Foster Murdered

Raw Story reports: Donald Trump Jr. on Thursday defended his father’s decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey by retweeting a conspiracy theory about Vince Foster, the former deputy White House counsel in the Clinton administration who took his own life in 1993. President Bill Clinton fired former FBI Director William Sessions in 1993 amid charges of corruption, including …

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REPORT: Last Week James Comey Had Asked The DOJ For More Funding For The Trump/Russia Investigation

The Washington Post reports: Last week, then-FBI Director James B. Comey requested more money and resources from the Justice Department for his bureau’s investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, according to two officials with knowledge of the discussion. Comey, who was fired by President Trump on Tuesday, made the request in a meeting last week …

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REPORT: Just Before Firing James Comey, Trump Was Screaming At The Television During Russian Reports

Politico reports: President Donald Trump weighed firing his FBI director for more than a week. When he finally pulled the trigger Tuesday afternoon, he didn’t call James Comey. He sent his longtime private security guard to deliver the termination letter in a manila folder to FBI headquarters. He had grown enraged by the Russia investigation, two advisers said, frustrated by …

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Russian Foreign Minister Chortles About James Comey’s Firing During Photo-Op With Rex Tillerson [VIDEO]

Of course the Russians are thrilled: Russia’s top diplomat on Wednesday appeared to joke about President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey during a visit to the State Department. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson introduced Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during the Washington visit. “I want to welcome foreign minister Lavrov to the state department and express my appreciation …

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New York Times Board: Trump’s Firing Of Comey Casts Grave Doubt On The Viability Of The Russia Probe

From the editorial board of the New York Times: The American people — not to mention the credibility of the world’s oldest democracy — require a thorough, impartial investigation into the extent of Russia’s meddling with the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Donald Trump and, crucially, whether high-ranking members of Mr. Trump’s campaign colluded in that effort. By firing …

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Trump Predictably Slams Comey Firing Backlash, White House Rejects Calls For Special Russia Prosecutor

From the right wing Washington Times: In the wake of President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James B. Comey, the White House is rejecting lawmakers’ calls for a special prosecutor to take over the agency’s probe of possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. “There is clearly at this point no evidence of a reason to do that,” White …

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ACLU Blasts Firing Of James Comey: This Raises Serious Alarm Bells For Our System Of Checks And Balances

Via press release from the ACLU: The independence of the FBI director is meant to ensure that the president does not operate above the law. For President Trump to fire the man responsible for investigating his own campaign’s ties to the Russians imperils that fundamental principle. Regardless of how one judges the performance of James Comey in either the Hillary …

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BREAKING: Senate Investigators Ask Treasury Criminal Division For Financial Info About Trump And Russia

CNN reports: Senate Russia investigators have sent a request to the Treasury Department’s criminal investigation division for any information related to President Donald Trump, his top officials and his campaign aides, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee told CNN Tuesday. “We’ve made a request, to FinCEN in the Treasury Department, to make sure, not just for example vis-a-vis …

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Derelict Trump Casino Sold For 4¢ On The Dollar

The Associated Press reports: Donald Trump wrote “The Art Of The Deal,” but it was Florida’s Seminole Indians who made a truly amazing deal to buy the opulent casino built by the man who is now president. The Trump Taj Mahal, the Atlantic City casino that the real estate mogul built for $1.2 billion in 1990, went for 4 cents …

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Sean Spicer: Trump Is Sending Out A “Certified Letter” Totally Proving That He Has No Connections To Russia

Oh, well then. A letter. That settles it, huh? Talking Points Memo reports: White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday that President Donald Trump “welcomes” an investigation of possible ties between his businesses and Russia. “The President, obviously, was aware of Sen. Graham’s suggestion after he made it today and he’s fine with that,” Spicer said Tuesday. “He has …

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Hair Furor Freaks Out Over Sally Yates

Talking Points Memo reports: In the wake of long-awaited testimony from former acting Attorney General Sally Yates and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, President Donald Trump claimed on Monday that neither had anything new to say. Yates made headlines by testifying that she warned the White House that Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn could be “compromised …

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Noted Scientist Ivanka Trump To Head Review Of US Participation In Paris Climate Change Agreement

The Associated Press reports: Ivanka Trump will head a review of US climate change policy even as President Donald Trump considers pulling the US out of a global emissions-cutting deal. The United States says it it will continue attending United Nations climate change meetings next week in Bonn, Germany next week, but Trump’s advisers will meet Tuesday to discuss what …

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Kushner Real Estate Company “Apologizes” For Using Jared’s Name In Chinese Investment-For-Visas Scheme

Salon reports: The real estate development firm partly managed by the sister of White House senior adviser Jared Kushner has issued an apology over a weekend event in Beijing in which Kushner’s name was used to attract wealthy Chinese to a cash-for-visa scheme commonly used by investment-hungry U.S. real estate developers. Kushner Companies “apologizes if that mention of [Kushner] was …

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Writer Claims Eric Trump Told Him: We Don’t Need US Banks, All The Funding We Need Comes From Russia

The Washington Examiner reports: Golf writer James Dodson claims Eric Trump told him in 2014 that all the funding for Trump golf courses comes from Russia while the two were at one of the family’s clubs. “As we were setting off, I said, ‘Eric, who’s funding? I know no banks — because of the recession, the Great Recession — have …

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