Via Mediaite: Fox and Friends host Abby Huntsman apologized on-air Friday after sharing a story about food stamp fraud that had no basis in fact. Huntsman’s apology came after she reported on that “food-stamp fraud is at an all-time high… this year, it is estimated $70 million of taxpayer money was wasted on food-stamp fraud.” Huntsman admitted the error today, …
Read More »Trump’s PR Team At Breitbart Slams Obama On Russia
Donald Trump’s de facto publicists at fake news outlet Breitbart are screaming about President Obama’s sanctions on Russia. They write: President Obama issued an executive order on Thursday sanctioning Russian intelligence officials, individuals, and organizations based on as-yet unproven accusations that Russia interfered in the 2016 election by hacking the emails of Democratic Party officials. This action comes as the …
Read More »Alex Jones: Did Hollywood’s Mafia Kill Carrie Fisher?
He’s just asking! Brian Tashman reports at Right Wing Watch: Radio conspiracy theorist Alex Jones reacted to the death of Carrie Fisher today by wondering if the late actress was actually murdered by people trying to make money off of her recently released book. Jones, who said that he was only speculating, compared Fisher’s passing to the death of Joan …
Read More »Breitbart Features Sponsored Post From “Christian Healthshare” As Major Advertisers Stay Away
Late last month Breitbart called on their millions of readers to boycott Kellogg’s after the cereal giant declined to continue advertising with them. Unsurprisingly, Breitbart’s “advertise with us or else” threat did not sit well with other major brands, virtually all of whom have since abandoned the site. Today Breitbart’s front page contains yet another attack on Kellogg’s, below which …
Read More »Nutbag Joe Arpaio: Obama’s Fake Birth Certificate Was Totally Fabricated By The Hawaii State Government
They just won’t let go. From World Net Daily: The chief investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s probe of the validity of the image Barack Obama released as his birth certificate says evidence suggests the involvement of the Hawaiian government in the alleged fabrication. WND reported last week that Arpaio and his chief investigator on the Obama birth certificate issue, Mike …
Read More »Bill O’Reilly Goes Full White Supremacist [VIDEO] reports: Fox News host Bill O’Reilly went on a white supremacism-laden rant Tuesday night, saying that the effort to abolish the Electoral College is an attempt by “the left” to take away power from the “white establishment.” O’Reilly went on to denounce Democrats for being “reliant on the minority vote and female voters” in their electoral coalition. “The left …
Read More »Bloomberg Profiles Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon’s “Weird, Winding Road To The White House” [VIDEO]
Bloomberg reports: After a campaign season unprecedented in its divisiveness and a transition unparalleled in controversial appointees, Steve Bannon’s selection as chief strategist for President-elect Donald Trump still manages to stand out. Bannon, 63, is an architect of Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton. He’s also a key player in America’s burgeoning ultra-right—sometimes genially labeled “alt-right” but more specifically everything from …
Read More »Breitbart: Mock Your Liberal Friends And Family With Our “Precious Snowflake” Christmas Ornament
Breitbart is encouraging their readers to sow familial disharmony over the holidays with a mocking Christmas ornament. Here’s the pitch: “We could not offer therapy dogs or cry-ins. That being said, nothing says You’re Precious quite like Breitbart’s first ever Snowflake Tree Ornament. Crafted with love in the USA, these snowflakes will NOT melt, even if the recipients do.” This …
Read More »GLORIOUS LEADER: Breitbart Crows That Trump has Fulfilled His Promise To Say “Merry Christmas”
Via Breitbart: Tuesday at a stop on his “Thank You” tour in West Allis, WI, President-elect Donald Trump opened up his appearance by fulfilling a campaign promise regarding the use of “Merry Christmas” as a holiday greeting. “So when I started 18 months ago, I told my first crowd in Wisconsin that we are going to come back here someday …
Read More »Alex Jones: The CIA’s Plan To Assassinate Trump Is Already On Obama’s Desk Awaiting Approval [VIDEO]
Brian Tashman reports at Right Wing Watch: In a broadcast posted online yesterday, notorious conspiracy theorist Alex Jones said that the intelligence community’s findings that Russia interfered in the presidential election in order to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton amount to nothing but a baseless conspiracy theory. The CIA, according to Jones, plans to use the pretext of …
Read More »BACKFIRED: Major Brands Continue To Flee Breitbart, Only Automated “Remnant Fill” Ads Now Appear There
Breitbart’s continuing attacks on Kellogg’s have rather predictably backfired. Investor Relations reports: The move by many of these large corporations to cancel ad contracts on Breitbart seems to already be hurting the company, as the majority of current ads on the news site are being fed to the site by Google and Taboola, which are third party ad providers, and …
Read More »Alex Jones: “Hillary Clinton Has Personally Murdered And Chopped Up And Raped” Children [AUDIO]
Donald Trump’s favorite conspiracy nut Alex Jones is trying to distance himself from the so-called Pizzagate fake news controversy by deleting his YouTube video in which he accused Hillary Clinton of being involved in a murderous child sex ring. Jones’ action comes after a self-proclaimed “evangelical Christian” fired his assault rifle in the DC pizza shop in an attempt to …
Read More »Tina Fey Trolls Breitbart [VIDEO]
Via Raw Story: Comedian Tina Fey sarcastically dangled the bait at the army of Internet trolls who inhabit on Wednesday during a speech to a group honoring women working in the entertainment field. “I promised myself I wouldn’t get up here today and talk about the election,” Fey quipped before alluding to the controversy earlier this year over the …
Read More »Hillary Clinton: Congress Must Act Against Fake News And Malicious Propaganda On Social Media [VIDEO]
The Hill reports: Hillary Clinton on Thursday decried the spread of fake news online, calling it an “epidemic” that Congress should take action against. “The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year — it’s now clear the so-called fake news can have real-world consequences,” Clinton said during a speech on Capitol …
Read More »Tim Kaine Rips Michael Flynn On Fake News: He’s So Gullible He Peddles Stories Even A Child Would Ignore
BOOM. CNN reports: Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine intensified his criticism over Donald Trump’s national security adviser, saying that retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn peddles in conspiracy theories that even a little child would dismiss. Kaine, who was Hillary Clinton’s running mate this year, has kept a low profile since suffering the stunning loss to Trump last month. But Kaine told …
Read More »Stephen Colbert Delivers Epic Rant On Fake News, Pizzagate, And Alex Jones: Grow The Fuck Up [VIDEO]
Via Raw Story: Stephen Colbert Wednesday hammered the conspiracy theorists who rose to prominence during the 2016 election, suggesting Wikileaks, Alex Jones and Reddit trolls should “grow the f*ck up.” During a segment on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the host urged his viewers to refrain from getting their news from him, “because newsflash, this isn’t news,” before also …
Read More »UNSHOCKING: DC Pizza Shop “Fake News” Gunman Is An Evangelical Christian And Listens To Alex Jones
The New York Times has interviewed the nutjob that fired an assault rifle inside a DC pizza shop because he needed to “investigate” a fake news story promulgated by extremist pro-Trump sites. The guy is exactly as you’d suspect. From their article: Mr. Welch, the father of two daughters, said he woke up Sunday morning and told his family he …
Read More »WND Joins Kellogg’s Boycott Because First Amendment
Just For Men Mustache Olympics gold medalist and World Net Daily founder Joseph Farah writes: It’s a dangerous thing, indeed, when fat-cat, multinational corporations like Kellogg determine to use their powerful advertising position to squelch free speech and freedom of the press by selectively boycotting media companies because they stand for principles like American national sovereignty. Don’t get me wrong. …
Read More »WARNING TO BREITBART: Pope Francis Compares Fake News Outlets To People Who Like To Eat Excrement
Seriously. He said this. Via Reuters: Media that focus on scandals and spread fake news to smear politicians risk becoming like people who have a morbid fascination with excrement, Pope Francis said in an interview published on Wednesday. Francis told the Belgian Catholic weekly “Tertio” that spreading disinformation was “probably the greatest damage that the media can do” and using …
Read More »Associated Press Blasts Pro-Trump Fake News Story
From the Associated Press: A trending story that claims Hillary Clinton won a total of 57 counties in the presidential election is untrue. The Associated Press finds that Clinton won 487 counties nationwide, compared with 2,626 for President-elect Donald Trump. The story appeared on several viral content sites that cater to some of Trump’s supporters. It also falsely claimed that …
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