Politico reports: Back in November, Breitbart began the process to secure official Capitol Hill credentials. On Friday, the site’s CEO, Larry Solov, appeared before the Standing Committee of the Senate Press Gallery and revealed, for what is believed to be the first time, who owns the right-wing nationalist site that has grown exponentially in influence over the past few years. …
Read More »CPAC Organizer: The Alt-Right Aren’t Conservatives, They’re “Garden Variety Left Wing Fascists” [VIDEO]
Remember last year when White House advisor Steve Bannon declared that he was ever so proud to have turned Breitbart into a “platform for the alt-right”? Apparently he said that in an alt-universe. Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch: This morning, Dan Schneider of the American Conservative Union, which organizes CPAC, delivered a speech titled “The Alt Right Ain’t …
Read More »LIVE VIDEO: Kellyanne Conway Speaks At CPAC
This should be entertaining. The Guardian reports: Good morning from the Gaylord Convention Center just south of Washington DC. In the main hall Welcome to the Jungle by Guns ‘n’ Roses and NRA ads have given way to the pledge of allegiance and a Jimi Hendrix-style electric guitar version of The Star-Spangled Banner. Attendees – most dressed smartly, with the …
Read More »Stephen Colbert Takes On Alex Jones [VIDEO]
Via Mediaite: Alex Jones of InfoWars fame is currently enjoying a bit more notoriety these days in the mainstream media, thanks in part to headlines that recently suggested he has a direct relationship with President Donald Trump. The conspiratorial internet host was the focus of a segment on Wednesday night’s Late Show, as host Stephen Colbert debuted an impression of …
Read More »Alex Jones Apologizes To Trump For Missing His Calls, Thanks Him For Watching Every Night [VIDEO]
Media Matters reports: Radio host Alex Jones issued a bizarre and rambling message to President Donald Trump during which he touted his connections to the president, stated that he regrets having “missed” Trump’s phone calls, and claimed that Trump and his sons watch his videos and show “every night.” Jones also told his perceived enemies: “We’re going to get you, …
Read More »Alex Jones Is Not A Reptilian [VIDEO]
If you can take 90 seconds of Alex Jones grunting, groaning, wailing, and screaming his head off, YouTube comedian Vic Berger has created another of his hilarious supercuts. Stick around to the end for what is probably Jones’ most infamous line. Watch below.
Read More »SWEDEN: Former Prime Minister Ridicules Trump Over Invented Terror Attack: What Has He Been Smoking?
The New York Times reports: Swedes reacted with confusion, anger and ridicule on Sunday to a vague remark by President Trump that suggested that something terrible had occurred in their country. During a campaign-style rally on Saturday in Florida, Mr. Trump issued a sharp if discursive attack on refugee policies in Europe, ticking off a list of places that have …
Read More »Erick Erickson Blasts Trump For Giving Press Credentials To Homocon “Fake News Cesspool” Blogger Jim Hoft
Right wing commentator Erick Erickson writes: I think the White House does the American people a great disservice by inviting Gateway Pundit in to the press briefings. I’m not sure there is a greater purveyor of fake news on the left or right than that site. Inviting in a known purveyor of fake news gives that purveyor a credibility that …
Read More »At The Bowling Green Massacre Vigil [VIDEO]
The New York Daily News reports: New Yorkers can be a sentimental — and satirical — bunch. That’s why it was no surprise that an impromptu vigil was held Friday honoring the Bowling Green massacre victims that never were. “We’re commemorating the victims of Bowling Green,” said Chris Bauer as he stifled a smile. “It never happened so they were …
Read More »Matt Drudge Warns Of War With Jar Jar Binks
Homocon Matt Drudge was humiliated yesterday with his attempt to back Hair Furor’s threat of war with Iran. The Verge reports: Drudge Report has made some memorable mistakes. You might remember the time it reported “The Revenant included a rape scene with a bear,” or when owner Matt Drudge made a dangerous situation worse by using Hurricane Matthew to push …
Read More »Alex Jones: Quebec Attack Was A False Flag Organized By George Soros To Inflame Trump Haters [VIDEO]
Brian Tashman reports at Right Wing Watch: Yesterday, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones suggested that the deadly attack on the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City was a false flag, which doesn’t come as a surprise as Jones has also claimed that tragedies like 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing and mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut and Charleston, South Carolina were also …
Read More »Alex Jones: I’m Getting White House Press Credentials
“Here’s the deal, I know I get White House credentials, we’ve already been offered them, we’re going to get them, but I’ve just got to spend the money to send somebody there. I want to make sure it’s even worth it. I don’t want to just sit there up there like ‘I’m in the media, look our people are there.’ …
Read More »Prankster Tricks InfoWars Into Reporting That CNN Is About To Release A Tape Of Trump Saying The N-Word
Buzzfeed reports: A man based in Scotland has revealed to BuzzFeed News how he tricked the right-wing conspiracy site Infowars into publishing a completely fake report about president-elect Donald Trump. Markus Muir, a 27-year-old marketing professional from Glasgow, sent direct messages on Twitter to Infowars editor-at-large Paul Joseph Watson claiming BuzzFeed News and CNN were due to release harmful footage …
Read More »CHECK FOR FLYING PIGS: Fox News Destroys Fake Group Claiming To Pay Anti-Trump Protesters [VIDEO]
This morning I reported that numerous right wing sites are flipping out over a mysterious group offering to pay leftists $50 an hour (plus medical benefits!) to disrupt Donald Trump’s inauguration. And exactly as I said, the group has turned out to be completely fake. What I did not, however, predict is that they would be exposed by Fox News. …
Read More »Pam Geller Claims Leftists Are Paying “Huge Amounts” For People To Protest Trump On Inauguration Day
Loony tune Pam Geller and numerous right wing sites are breathlessly repeating this story from the right wing Washington Times: Donald Trump may have a point about paid protesters: Job ads running in more than 20 cities offer $2,500 per month for agitators to demonstrate at this week’s presidential inauguration events. Demand Protest, a San Francisco company that bills itself …
Read More »Actual Breitbart Headline
The advertiser boycott of Breitbart really has them losing their shit. They write: An anonymous group of left-wing Twitter trolls has convinced the New York State Department of Health to withdraw ads promoting colorectal cancer screening from Breitbart News. The public service announcement, which ran in an advertising space on Breitbart.com read: “We got screened for colon cancer when we …
Read More »Howard Dean Endorses Breitbart Boycott
Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean last night tweeted his approval of a New York Times opinion piece on the continuing advertiser boycott of Breitbart. From the article: In mid-November, a Twitter group called Sleeping Giants became the hub of the new movement. The Giants and their followers have communicated with more than 1,000 companies and nonprofit groups whose …
Read More »Sean Hannity: Amen, Make Russia Great Again!
Mediaite reports: Fox News host Sean Hannity tweeted his enthusiastic agreement Sunday when someone tweeted at him that Americans should work together to “make Russia great again.” Hannity was responding to a tweet from an account called “Donnie L’il Hands,” which he apparently did not realize was mocking him and Donald Trump. Hannity has come under fire in recent days …
Read More »GERMANY: Media And Politicians Denounce Breitbart For Story Promoting “Fake News, Hate, And Propaganda”
The Guardian reports: German media and politicians have warned against an election-year spike in fake news after the rightwing website Breitbart claimed a mob chanting “Allahu Akbar” had set fire to a church in the city of Dortmund on New Year’s Eve. After the report by the US site was widely shared on social media, the city’s police clarified that …
Read More »REPORT: 400 Companies Now Boycotting Breitbart
Little Green Footballs reports: Many people have now joined the effort to inform major companies about the racist and misogynist nature of Breitbart “News” and urge them not to advertise at this “alt-right” hate site, and this ad hoc campaign is getting serious results. The number of companies that have now pulled their ads from Breitbart is at 400. That’s …
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