
BRITAIN: Breitbart London Editor May Run To Replace Nigel Farage As Head Of Far-Right Pro-Brexit Party

From Breitbart: In the wake of UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage’s resignation on Monday, Breitbart London’s Editor in Chief Raheem Kassam has told the BBC that he is considering a bid for the party’s leadership. Speaking with Evan Davis on Newsnight, Kassam refused to rule out running for the position as other candidates considered their bids. Davis asked Kassam, …

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BRITAIN: Brexit Advocate Resigns As Head Of Right Wing Party Now That He “Has His Country Back”

He’s leaving the mess for somebody else to clean up. The BBC reports: Nigel Farage says he is standing down as leader of the UK Independence Party. Mr Farage said his “political ambition has been achieved” with the UK having voted to leave the EU. He said the party was in a “pretty good place” and said he would not …

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John Oliver On Independence Day [VIDEO]

Raw Story recaps: As Americans celebrate our Independence Day, comedian John Oliver wonders if declaring independence from Great Britain was all that good of an idea after all. “First, there is the matter of your accents. These beautiful vowel sounds could have been yours. But instead from sea to shining sea, you speak like you just burnt your tongue on …

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BRITAIN: Boris Johnson Drops PM Bid [VIDEO]

This is surprising. The BBC reports: Ex-London mayor Boris Johnson has ruled himself out of the race to be the next Conservative leader and prime minister. In a speech in London – billed as his campaign launch – Mr Johnson said he did not believe he could provide the leadership or unity needed. It comes after Justice Secretary and fellow …

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FRANCE: Neo-Nazi National Front Celebrates Brexit

The Guardian reports: France’s Front National (FN) hailed Brexit as a clear boost for Marine Le Pen’s presidential bid next spring, as well as a move that gave momentum to the party’s anti-Europe and anti-immigration line. “Victory for Freedom! As I have been asking for years, we must now have the same referendum in France and EU countries,” Le Pen …

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