Laura Ingraham: “I think it’s so foreign to us to hear this, that, wait a second. We actually may solve a problem, we actually may make money on it. Like that’s a bad thing for the United States to get repaid for the tens of billions of dollars just in the last few years we’ve dumped into the Middle East and trillions we have spent over the years. When we go to Iraq, we break it. And then we don’t get the oil leases or any of the rebuild. And meanwhile, we leave our equipment there, tens of billions of dollars in Afghanistan. For what?”
Jesse Watters: “Trump’s shooting to be the greatest dealmaker in history. There’s one deal no president’s ever been able to make peace in the Middle East. Is taking over Gaza the solution? We don’t know. But you’re not gonna get results by doing the same old thing over and over again.”
Sean Hannity: “Let’s be clear. What the president is saying is Gaza can no longer be a safe haven for terrorists to launch attacks against Israel and others. He is negotiating and sending a loud message to the entire Arab world: Get engaged, end this conflict once and for all, eliminate terrorism in the area, and a new day will begin.”