Staver: We’re Taking Obergefell Back To Supreme Court

Posted by hate group leader Mat Staver:

On January 30, just a few weeks from now, I will present oral argument before the Court of Appeals in our case defending Kim Davis. The Court must now decide if people can be civilly SUED for daring to exercise their religious freedom rights.

We expect this case to go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it may also overturn the wrongfully decided Obergerfell case, which started this whole “marriage” mess.

The facts of this case are simple. Two men couldn’t stop Kim Davis from winning religious accommodation rights for all Kentucky officials. So now they are trying to sue her into bankruptcy for daring to USE those rights.

Don’t let Christians be sued into bankruptcy for daring to use their religious freedom rights! Support our legal fund today and have your impact DOUBLED by a new Challenge Grant.

Read the full money beg.

In a separate post today, Staver claims that over 260 million Americans have been “killed or injured” by vaccines. You may recall that in 2022, the Liberty Counsel claimed that COVID vaccines contain “graphene oxide” nanobots intended to “connect people to the internet” for mind control.