NYT: Trump Keeps Lying About California Water Supply

The New York Times reports:

Trump has repeatedly blamed Gov. Gavin Newsom and other California leaders for the fires that devastated Los Angeles. The president has charged that the state’s Democrats have stubbornly refused to send enough water to Southern California to fight fires. Trump’s view of the situation could have very real consequences. He threatened on Wednesday to withhold federal relief funds if California does not send more of its water from the northern part of the state to its southern half.

Trump has alluded to a water pipeline that does not exist. “Los Angeles has massive amounts of water available to it,” he said in a news conference on Tuesday. “All they have to do is turn the valve, and that’s the valve coming back from and down from the Pacific Northwest, where millions of gallons of water a week and a day, even, in many cases, pours into California, goes all through California down to Los Angeles. And they turned it off.”

Read the full article.