Johnson Blames NOLA Attack On “Dangerous People Coming Here And Setting Up Terrorist Cells” [VIDEO]

“I don’t know if enough attention is being paid to this, but we all know that for the last four years the Biden administration has been completely derelict in its duty.

“The congressional Republicans, we here in the House and the Senate have repeatedly asked the DHS under the Biden administration about the correlation, the obvious concern about terrorism and the wide open border.

“The idea that dangerous people were coming here in droves and setting up potentially terrorist cells around the country, we have been ringing the alarms, we impeached DHS Secretary Mayorkas in the House over that very issue and others related to it so this is a big concern.

“They told us, Lawrence, for four years that the number one threat was so-called racially motivated extremism, it was nonsense. This is the thing that we were all concerned about.

“This is why we raised the alarms. This is why we passed HR2, the strongest security act ever passed by Congress. Chuck Schumer and the Democrats in the Senate would not put that through and make it into law.” – Mike Johnson, today on Fox News.